• What is Capital Structure of a company? - The capital structure is the particular combination of debt and equity used by a company to finance its overall operations and growth. The Debt-to-Equity (D/E) ratio is useful in determining the riskiness of a company's borrowing practices.
  • https://www.jagoinvestor.com/2014/09/the-shortest-guide-for-a-22-yr-old-to-start-investing-his-money.html
  • THIS IS LIKE THE MOST CONSCIOUSLY VIDEO I WATCHED IN A LOOOONG TIME - → I need to make notes from this video somehow i'm feeling procastination rn but Trust me I'm excited after this video it's like i slept on myself and woke up so wakening moment. Okay without further a do - NOTES from this, Plan, Action, Learn, Repeat. + One specific strategy from this video → Making relationship by visiting often with distributors and finally getting a wayyy cheap deal. → Another thing as a note to self especially in current existential crisis phase → Build something, anything, if you don't have any idea, try and learn something, anything from the Internet or anywhere and just Build something but just BUILD SOMETHING! I know you have it in you, YOU know you have it in you so just focus on your self and just keep fucking building and scaling things. I know you will so, BEST OF LUCK, BE RELENTLESS, BE CURIOUS, BE FURIOUS, JUST FUCKING GO.
  • NOTE TO SELF: → Reach out to everyone VCs, everyone using cold mailing